Please see below how to invest in your dog’s future training.
One-to-One Training Session
£125.00 for a 90-minute One to One Initial Assessment
£125.00 for a 90-minute New Dog, New Life Assessment
£125.00 for a 90-minute Puppy 1:2:1
£75.00 for a 1-hour follow-up session
£55 for A 1-hour Training Remote Session
Behavioural Consultation
Initial assessment consists of a 2-hour consultation, followed by a 1-hour follow-up session within four weeks of the original consultation, accompanied by a detailed written Behaviour Modification. Programme giving instructions and guidance for you to follow, with full email support – £275.00
Remote behaviour consultation – 3 x 1 hour – £185.00
Companion Dog Training Classes
Scarcroft Village Hall, Leeds, Wednesday evenings 6pm-7pm – £85.
GCDS Classes
Scarcroft Village Hall, Leeds, Wednesday evenings 7pm-8pm – £80.